Thursday, February 3, 2011

onion skins

onion skins. they have got to be on the top dye list for me as they yield a glorious glowing gold AND most importantly, they are a perfect by-product dye. most of us use onions on a regular basis in the kitchen. what i do is keep a glass jar on top of the refrigerator and as time goes just add my skins to the jar, when its full its time to dye! one thing just to make sure is that you leave any of the fleshy bits out of your jar - they will decompose soon and add moisture and rot to your other skins!

1 comment:

erin scott said...

Deepa, So great to hear from you!

Funny to get your comment when we were actually up in the mountains near Sarinbuana this weekend.

Cool that you use palm sugar in Indian cooking as well. Maybe our next trip;) I have so much to learn.

Great blog you have here!!
